Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Helpful tips on your moving Process

MOLD...IT IS OFTEN AN OVERLOOKED EXPOSURE TO .LOSS OR DAMAGE Please take a moment to review what may or may not be covered by insurance
Mold:  What is it and how to prevent it: Mold is a fungus that grows in warm and damp locations. It feeds on organic material so when it grows, on any surface (especially fabric and artwork), the costs to clean and remediate the item or the storage or shipment lot, can be extremely costly.   Mold can also cause illness and can potentially lead to chronic lung disease.
To prevent mold from affecting your clients' property, the best strategy is to limit the amount of moisture the shipment or storage lot is subjected to.  Make sure you do not pack, load, or unload in high humidity situations. You should also avoid packing and/or storing any wet upholstery or damp cardboard boxes.  Storing, packing, or transporting any liquids should also be avoided. The following suggested checklist is one way of helping to educate and avoid potential claims. 

1) Check all furniture and personal property  for existing mold a. Mold can spread, easily, via spores during a move. One moldy item can ruin an entire shipment

2) Do not pack anything that is damp or wet 

3) Pull furniture and boxes away from basement walls one (1) week before packing and/or moving. a. Basements can be one of the dampest places in the house. Removing furniture and boxes away from the walls can give them a chance to air out before moving. If you have a humid basement you might want to rent a dehumidifier to ensure your property is dry. 

4) Launder and dry all your clothing prior to moving a. Dirty or wet clothes are a great environment 
for mold to grow

5) Clean any kitchen appliances thoroughly before moving a. Kitchen appliances have a lot of food residue on them that can grow mold.

 Unlimited Resources LLC  Dba ; Jacobson Transfer Piano Moving Specialist  CALL FOR A QUOTE : 650-342-0071 south bay  Call FOR A QUOTE : 925...